
Paid search is a great tool for business owners looking for a fast, cost-effective way to improve their online marketing technique and increase sales. If you’re new to the world of paid search, keep reading to find out why so many businesses trust this marketing strategy to get the most from their advertising budgets.    

1. Get results fast 

Smart PPC (Pay Per Click) marketing campaigns can help you reach your target market quickly, without breaking the bank. As soon as your PPC ad is live, you’ll start attracting new visitors to your website. 

2. You control the budget

With paid search, you are in total control of your budget. PPC advertising means just that – you pay for each click on your ad. The CPC you pay depends on the advertising network you choose, but you set the amount you’re willing to pay for each click (CPC).

With Google AdWords, you can decide whether your bids (the amount you will pay per click) are manual or automatic. When you choose manual, you can choose the exact amount you’re willing to pay, and when you choose automatic, AdWords will adjust your bids within your budget. If you have a very strict advertising budget set aside, paid search is perfect because there’s no risk of going over your budget.

3. You can find the right audience 

A well planned PPC campaign can help you reach a very specific audience. Want to sell more of your custom tap dance shoes in Leeds? Paid search can help by targeting your ad at people who are searching for exactly what you’re selling. Essentially, this means you’re only paying for clicks from people who are actively interested in your products or services. This kind of highly targeted advertising is virtually impossible with traditional advertising.

4. Broaden your reach 

How many people can an ad in your local paper reach? Google’s AdWords’ two main networks, Google Search and Google Display, span over two million websites that reach over 90% of people on the internet. That’s a LOT more reach that you’re likely to get from a local ad, no matter how large your town is.

5. Exposure 

You may only pay for PPC ads when browsers ‘click’, but you also benefit from your ads just being seen. How? Every time someone sees your ad, your brand is gaining exposure. And you can usually expect an ad to be see hundreds, if not thousands of times, so that’s a lot of exposure. Your ad is helping you develop your brand, just by being there – and it doesn’t cost you anything! (Cost Per Impression (CPM) ads work differently to PPC ads and advertisers are charged whether an advert is clicked or not.) 

PPC marketing services from Bing Digital

PPC is an incredibly effective online marketing technique, but it’s not always easy to handle in-house. Let Bing Digital’s PPC management team help. Our experienced PPC consultants can help you create an effective PPC campaign that delivers results fast. For more information, complete the enquiry form below or give us a call on 01634 823 334.

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